Size Isn't Everything
The bigger the audience the bigger the return, right?
No, not really. Niche markets and finding an influencer that is a perfect organic fit for your brand takes time and effort and, according to Chris Brogan, it's exciting and entirely worth it.
Chris is an advocate against cookie-cutter and spreadsheet influencer marketing. For him, it's all about discovering that existing gem of an influencer that already enjoys your brand, or will as soon as you let them know about it.
He's also concerned about the trend of technology separating people instead of connecting them, and he is excited about the vast possibilities inherent in influencer marketing. If you're willing to put in the work, influencer marketing will return your efforts tenfold.
Owner Media Group is an organization dedicated to consultation and providing clients with targeted plans of action and project creation to lead to business success. They also focus on business systems for personal leadership and their mission statement is, “put more wins on your board with simple plans and projects.”
In This Episode
- Why it's important to take the time to find an influencer already interested in your brand
- How to use technology to humanize your brand
- Why high follower numbers is not always better than a niche market
- How to maximize your reach by having smaller, but more engaged audiences
- Why there are so many different ways to have influence in the world of marketing
Quotes From This Episode
“I think that the mistake we continue to make is that if you have numbers then you have influence.” -@chrisbrogan
“Go where the momentum is and help the person move it forward in some way instead of finding people to talk about your thing. There's someone out there who likes your thing if they've heard about it, and if not, you can always do this sort of product review type stuff and have people see what's going on. To me, there's just so many channels and pockets of people willing and anxious to talk about your thing. Why go find the people where it's not a fit?” -@chrisbrogan
“There are so many interesting ways that you can wield influence.” -@chrisbrogan
“This is one of those opportunities where marketing technology is important.” -@chrisbrogan
“I think influencer marketing has such a ways to go and, at the same time, I would say that the people who are being handed down influencer programs, now that they've been codified over the last handful of years are just checking boxes. They're just working a spreadsheet. And I'm exposed daily to really bad campaigns put together by people who really haven't thought through who they're trying to reach and what the end state is that they're seeking. They're just looking for people who have big numbers. That's just never going to work for anybody.” -@chrisbrogan
“Essentially, it's how to be human at a distance, how to use these new digital tools to reach people in a better way, and how to make much more impact in a way that doesn't drain resources.” -@chrisbrogan
- In the News: The Impact of Instagram Stories on Influencer Marketing
- Chris Brogan twitter: @chrisbrogan
- Owner Media Group
- Ma Bell
- Jeff Pulver
- Yeti Mug
- Sony Electronics USA
Would You Rather
Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or not be able to sleep for a week?
Shower. I don't mind being smelly.
Would you rather know what your pets think of you or what your high school teachers thought of you?
Oh, that's painful. That's . . . I would rather say neither. I mean, if I had pets they'd be privy to every bodily function I ever did. I guess I'll go with teachers because it would be, I guess, at least, more meaty.
Would you rather be able to control fire or control water?
I wonder what this says about me. I want fire, but I'm just curious, like, what does that mean? Does that mean I'm a destructive person as opposed to a nurturing person? Like, water, I could, like, “I'll take care of your drought, I'll feed you, I'll take care of you, I'll bathe you.” Fire, I'll just burn things, I guess.
Why a Smaller Audience May Save Your Influence Marketing
from Convince and Convert Blog: Social Media Strategy and Social Media Consulting